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Personality Development

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Teachings by Sneha Manor

Our personality traits set us apart from the rest. Right from the way we walk, talk, look, eat and think, everything defines us. We are tuned to think that we are what we show and how we behave because that is our comfort zone. What we fail to realize is that there is always so much to discover about ourselves, our hidden skills and the talent we possess, that life can turn out to be so different in various ways.

Imagine you are sitting in front of a mirror and trying to build up the confidence to speak to people? Or feeling low on being made the butt of all jokes just because you couldn’t say no? More so, when you are uncomfortable while sitting on a dining table figuring out the right cutlery. Or not having the courage to give an interview and so each time you bailed? Our daily lives are filled with such instances that ring in negativity, jealousy and shame. This is because you’ve been conditioned to respond and behave this way. But let me tell you, you don’t have to over think and overanalyze, it doesn’t have to be this way. 

Sneha Manor’s Personality Development and Finishing School is all about making life different. Let us take care of you because ‘doing better’ is our motto. From helping you gain some confidence, teaching dining and social etiquettes, shaping the way you accept everyday challenges and enabling you to be yourself; we ensure valuable support and guidance in strengthening all aspects of your personality. We believe academic qualifications aren’t enough if you aim to reach the top. It is an eclectic combination of your behaviour, emotional intelligence and other skills apart from the required talent that pushes you through.

Keeping that in mind, our course works towards improving and modifying inner traits like attitude, confidence, demeanour and perception. We also guide you in improving physical appearance, creating the right first impression, and grooming body language. All this is designed to help you achieve your full potential. All of our classes are one-to-one sessions completely bespoke to the client requirement. It involves practical learning and do it yourself activities.


This is just a glimpse of the many things that we offer. Connect with us now and let us create your enriching journey.

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